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1、The exclusive agent, trade protectionThe term of Prussia authorized franchisee in the designated area within the exclusive franchise business, execute protection
2、A strong promotionHeadquarters to assist the franchisee to make corresponding promotion plan, also responsible for the complete CI design, terminal image implement and strong media brand promotion.
3、The annual prize, sales incentiveEach year the franchisee marketing conference, voted best, the implementation of the annual sales champion award system.
4、Boost, hot salesThe Prussian regularly in the holiday theme promotions or stage of promotional activities, assist the store quickly start the market, promote the store sales.
5、A comprehensive business guideFrom before the opening of the store decoration, POP layout, Peihuo display, opened business guide to the opening after the follow-up, so comprehensive, system tracking service.
6、Promotional products, promotional supportIn each promotion period, Prussia to provide a large number of promotions, publicity materials support.
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